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CLARIFIED. Right Away. Nailed It on the First Attempt! Here It Is:

Lender Combinations refers to a specific concept in chess composition, named after the Israeli chess composer Baruch Lender (1913-1994).

Who is The Inventor of Lender Combinations?

- Baruch Lender. He was an Israeli chess composer who introduced a novel idea in chess problems known as "Lender Combinations." In 1979, he published a two-mover that for the first time combined the themes of Reversal and le Grand, showcasing a unique blend of chess problem themes where a key move was reversed from the typical approach of attacking or covering a square to moving a piece away from it.

What is Lender Combinations?

- Innovative Concept in Chess Composition: Lender Combinations is the name given to a chess problem theme where the key move involves moving a piece away from a square instead of towards it, thereby combining the themes of Reversal (where a move is done in an opposite manner to what's expected) and le Grand (which involves a thematic paradox).

The Lender Combinations was innovative because it introduced a new way to construct chess problems by exchanging the key and threat with mates in both passes. Despite its originality, this composition didn't gain immediate recognition in chess problem tournaments, but over time, the concept became known and named after Baruch Lender.

This term does not relate to any financial or lending practices but is strictly within the domain of chess problem composition.

The original Lender Combinations set up.
The original Lender Combinations set up.
Baruch Lender
Baruch Lender


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