You’re a talented writer. You are the author of the promising great American novel. Or you have a best-selling book manuscript as a show and tell non-fiction lessons learned from your previous company. Or the U.S Congress.
You need now two things in order to break out on the literary stage.
First you want your novel or non-fiction to be counted. Yes you want your brain child to be indexed by the U.S. Library of Congress. Said otherwise your book needs an ISBN number.
Second you want your future best-selling book, on the display shelves of every bookstore in the America.
Where do you go? You go to a well-established well known book publishing house that has the production tools, business relations with printers, wholesale nation-wide books distributors, and experienced networks of book marketing, and book selling working relationships.
The first thing – to be counted – you can do yourself. But It’s costly in time and money. The second thing you must get a publishing house accept your opus. Or else, privately published book copies will stack up in your garage.
It happened to me.
You need a publishing house to accept your manuscript under contract and take care of myriad expensive details that involve book production, marketing, and sales You can’t go it alone if you aspire to sell your book in private bookstores or national chain bookstores. You want your book sold on the Barnes & Noble shelves and on Costco, Sam’s Club and Walmart. Proudly.
The preliminary step is to connect with a literary agent or a book-acquisition editor who will pay attention to your manuscript. You need to have a “Book Proposal”. You need to sell your book proposal onto one of those professionals. They are part of the publishing industry.

Fortunately a new guide book is now released to guide you through this maze.
Terry Whalin, an experienced acquisition editor in established publishing houses has an updated guide-book that leads you through the business labyrinth of publishing houses.
Read and study this guide book. It will save you aggravation in cost and time.
You can find it on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Here is what to look for ==>
I wish I read and studied this book before I went to publish my first book.
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