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Even the best public speakers go blank some times. Their mind freezes. As we have seen it happens to Marco Rubio. He repeated a scripted sentence 4-5 times, while trying to figure out what to say next. Look up YouTube.

Getting overwhelmed sometime by another adversarial speaker is inevitable.

The point is - how do we react to it?

We can be overwhelmed and speechless or we can pick up our personal message and resume fast forward.

How can we strike out this potential humiliating experience from our lives?

Recall the collective wisdom - to have a 30 seconds personal pitch. We each must know who we are, what we want, and how we want to get it.

Today’s lesson is about adding one more, well defined, personal talking point.

It’s a follow up 60 seconds Plan B message after the first pitch.

Here is the framework of how we do it:

First. Plan A - we state to our listeners our 30 seconds pitch.

The 30 seconds pitch consists of about 20-24 words – 3 short sentences:

  • I’m – my name - from Saginaw MI.

  • My aim – your objective - that you are striving at.

  • What I’m doing now to achieve it or get there.

You may call it my USP.

Example Pitch: I’m Mandy Lender the author of The Vision of HabakkuK. I’m here marketing my book. I’m going next on a TV tour.

In the unlikely event that you subsequently go blank or interrupted:

STOP right here. Don’t let your fear emotion ruin your composure. .

The worst consequence of a bad presentation is losing a relationship, or not getting a desired job, or losing an election … So…it’s not a death sentence.

What can you do:

  • AVOID perfectionism.

  • SCAN the room, scan the audience.

  • REVIEW your notes if you have notes or time.

  • REFLECT the question or interruption to the audience. Ask the audience. If it was a question the audience will provide the answer for you.

Second. Your prepared Plan B -- That is a scripted pitch B

Move to your next point – Tell A Story. You have prepared a follow up pitch!

Tell a 30-40 seconds prepared story!

The prepared story must be:

  • Personal

  • Emotional

  • Relatable. Relatable to the topic and the audience.

The story should last 30-40 seconds.

Next part is the lesson learned from the story – 10-20 seconds.

The last part is a Call for Action.

Example Story: In 2011, I attended a marketing convention in LAX. I had there a table to sell my books. On Saturday evening I was told that the promoter wants me to go on stage tomorrow morning, Sunday, and speak for 5 minutes. I started to think. I could walk on stage brandishing my book talking about the LOA. Instead I went on stage carrying the hotel Gideons Bible and preached Hab. 2:1-4. It was now a Sunday morning sermon to a group of 300 (mostly atheist) marketers. The lesson is that I found out that I am always ready to preach the gospel even if the Pope walks into this room. And BTW: I recommend to you to study my book on how to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality!

I assure you that at this point you regained your composure and you are ready to resume your HUUUGE PRESENTATION. Now go get them.

Shh… Don’t tell anyone, if all else fails try a P-word (dang it).

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